Eric Gomez and Benjamin Faber In October 2024, Congress received notification of two new arms sales for Taiwan, and the Ministry of National Defense...
Jeffrey Miron For most goods and services, governments leave the production, distribution, sale, and consumption decisions to private individuals or groups. For gambling, however,...
Nicholas Anthony and Jeffrey A. Singer America has increasingly moved in favor of legalizing cannabis consumption (Figure 1), but the shadow of prohibition still...
Romina Boccia and Dominik Lett The United States has been experiencing remarkable economic growth, even as debt and deficits soar to unprecedented heights. The...
Walter Olson In testimony before a House committee, a Republican witness recently cited as credible claims by researcher James Agresti that “10% to 27% of non‐citizens...
David Kemp The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently finalized a rule imposing new carbon dioxide emissions controls on fossil fuel power plants. The rule requires...
Adam N. Michel I recently testified before the Senate Finance Committee on the importance of personal savings and how poorly designed tax systems and...
Jeffrey Miron The state of New York legalized recreational marijuana in 2021. Recent estimates, however, count 2,000 unlicensed vendors and only 100 licensed ones. ...
Justin Logan Fiscal hawk Brian Riedl, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, has an article in The Bulwark titled “In Defense of Defense Spending.”...
David Inserra Jack Dorsey, the founder and prior leader of Twitter, now X, had a remarkable conversation on how social media companies face massive pressure...
Jennifer Huddleston and Jack Solowey On May 15, a bipartisan group of senators led by Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D‑NY) released a long‐awaited roadmap for artificial...